Council Chambers
8645 Stave Lake Street, Mission, BC

Re: Mission's participation in the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge


  1. That the Waterfront Revitalization Master Plan be received;
  2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6095-2022-5670(33) to add reference to the Waterfront Revitalization Master Plan be considered for first reading;
  3. That, upon due consideration of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, referrals go forward for the proposed OCP bylaw text amendment in accordance with Council Policy LAN.47, and that persons, organizations and authorities receiving those consultation referrals are considered to be those affected for the purposes of the Section; and
  4. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first reading, a Public Hearing be scheduled for June 20, 2022, or alternatively on a date to be determined.

A copy of the Waterfront Revitalization Master Plan has been distributed as a separate document and will be available for viewing at the meeting. It is also available online at

This report is provided for information purposes only. The 2021 to 2025 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw 6087-2022-5990(1) is listed under the “Bylaws for Consideration” section of the agenda for consideration of first three readings.


That the City of Mission’s draft 2021 financial statements, attached as Attachment A to the Manager of Accounting Services’ report dated May 2, 2022 entitled “City of Mission Draft 2021 Financial Statements, be approved.


  1. That the 2021 capital budget carry forwards attached as Attachment A to the report entitled “2021 Budget Carry Forward Requests” from the Deputy Treasurer/Collector dated May 2, 2022, be approved;
  2. That the 2021 operating budget carry forwards attached as Attachment B to the report entitled “2021 Budget Carry Forward Requests” from the Deputy Treasurer/Collector dated May 2, 2022, be approved; and
  3. That the City’s 2022 Financial Plan be amended accordingly.


  1. That the regional water operating carry forward requests, as shown in the Operating Budget Carry Forward section of the Budget Analyst’s report entitled “Regional Utilities Financial Plan Carry Forward Amendment, 2021 to 2022/2023” dated May 2, 2022, totaling $150,000 (Mission’s share is $33,900) be approved;
  2. That the regional sewer operating carry forward requests, as shown in the Operating Budget Carry Forward section of the Budget Analyst’s report entitled “Regional Utilities Financial Plan Carry Forward Amendment, 2021 to 2022/2023” dated May 2, 2022, totaling $221,000 (Mission’s share is $43,051) be approved;
  3. That the regional water capital carry forward requests and associated funding sources, detailed in Attachment B to the Budget Analyst’s report entitled “Regional Utilities Financial Plan Carry Forward Amendment, 2021 to 2022/2023” dated May 2, 2022 (Mission’s share is $978,179), be approved;
  4. That the regional sewer capital carry forward requests and associated funding sources, detailed in Attachment B to the Budget Analyst’s report entitled “Regional Utilities Financial Plan Carry Forward Amendment, 2021 to 2022/2023” dated May 2, 2022, (Mission’s share is $1,354,982), be approved;
  5. That the regional water and sewer capital carry forward requests and associated funding sources, detailed in Attachment C to the Budget Analyst’s entitled “Regional Utilities Financial Plan Carry Forward Amendment, 2021 to 2022/2023” dated May 2, 2022, (Mission’s share is $1,689,401), be approved; and
  6. That the City’s 2022 to 2026 Financial Plan be amended accordingly.  


  1. That Council has hereby considered its proposed tax rates for each property class in conjunction with its objectives and policies regarding the distribution of property taxes among the tax classes, as set out within its 2022 to 2026 Financial Plan Bylaw, Bylaw 6071-2021.
  2. That the City of Mission Annual Tax Rates Bylaw 6093-2022 be considered for first three readings.


  1. That Council approve borrowing from the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia, as part of the 2022 Fall Borrowing Session, $12,500,000 as authorized through the City of Mission Fraser River Sewer Crossing Improvements Loan Authorization Bylaw 6031-2021; and
  2. That the Fraser Valley Regional District be requested to consent to our borrowing over a 20-year term and include the borrowing in a Security Issuing Bylaw.

This report is provided for information. No staff recommendation accompanies this report and Council action is not required.


  1. That staff be authorized to bring forward accumulated funding from the Information Services Reserve ($64,000) to expand the Office 365 pilot program to the remainder of the organization effective June 1, 2022 and
  2. That staff be authorized to amend the City’s Financial plans accordingly to continue this program beyond 2022.


  1. That Board of Variance Establishment Bylaw 5390-2013 be amended by adding the following new section 13 and that all remaining sections be renumbered accordingly:
    The Board, in its discretion, may:
    1. inspect the property that is the subject of the application,
    2. confer with a member of the City’s Development Services Department when considering an application at a hearing,
    3. hear from any witness or other persons whose evidence may assist the Board in reaching a decision, and said witnesses or other persons may be required to produce books, papers, documents or writings in their possession or under their control relating to the appeal,
    4. request additional information from the applicant, at the applicant’s expense.
  2. That Board of Variance Establishment Bylaw 5390-2013 be amended by replacing all instances of “District of Mission” with “City of Mission”; and
  3. That the amending bylaw be considered for first, second and third reading

This report is provided for information only. No staff recommendation accompanies this report and Council action is not required.


That the events noted in Appendix A, attached to the report from the Acting Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture dated May 2, 2022, be declared Community Special Events for the purposes of securing a Special Event Permit from the BC Liquor Control and Cannabis Regulation Branch.


  1. That sun safety signs be ordered and installed in strategic locations designated by staff;
  2. That staff purchase and plant shade trees in Fraser River Heritage Park, Sports Park, Tunbridge Common and Ross Park; and
  3. That staff develop a sun safety promotional campaign utilizing existing advertising platforms and program opportunities from May through August.


  1. That the draft bylaw to rezone the properties along 1st Avenue, View Avenue, and Wardrop Street from Commercial Tourist Recreation Zone (CTR) to Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential Two Zone (MU2) be considered for first and second reading;
  2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second reading, a Public Hearing be scheduled for June 6, 2022; and
  3. That prior to the adoption of Zoning Amending Bylaw 6086-2022-5949(60), the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
    1. Substantial completion of subdivision application S21-003 which would consolidate the subject parcels.
    2. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve.
    3. Completion of the Engineering requirements, as outlined in Attachment D, attached to the report from the Planner, dated May 2, 2022.
    4. Collection of payment resulting from the purchase of the laneway between Wardrop Street and Maple Street
    5. Any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw, including Public Hearing.
  4. That Development Permit DP21-011 and Development Variance Permits DV22-007 and DV22-008 be considered for approval at the same time as bylaw 6086-2022-5949(60) is considered for adoption.

A bylaw to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw 5670-2017 to incorporate references to the Waterfront Revitalization Master Plan

See "Corporate Administration & Finance" Section 6(a)

A bylaw to rezone multiple properties on First Avenue, View Avenue, and Wardrop Street from Commercial Tourist Recreation (CTR) Zone to Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential Two (MU2) Zone 

See “Development Services” Section 8(a)

A bylaw to amend 2021 to 2025 Financial Plan Bylaw 5990-2021 to reflect budget amendments that have taken place since the adoption of the bylaw in 2021

See “Corporate Administration & Finance” Section 6(c)

A bylaw to amend Board of Variance Establishment Bylaw 5390-2013 to empower the Board to request additional information to aid in the decision-making process 

See “Corporate Administration & Finance” Section 6(k)

A bylaw to impose property tax rates for the year 2022

See "Corporate Administration & Finance" Section 6(g)

A bylaw to rezone properties at 33368 - 1st Avenue and 33381 North Railway Avenue from Commercial Highway One (CH1) Zone to Mission City Downtown Two (DT2) Zone

A bylaw to amend text within Appendix D: Cedar Valley Local Area Plan of the Official Community Plan and to redesignate property at 33083 Tunbridge Avenue from Parks and Open Space and Protected Natural Assets to Institutional and Protected Natural Assets

A bylaw to rezone property at 33083 Tunbridge Avenue from Rural Residential 7 (RR7) Zone and Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Institutional Parks, Recreation and Civic (IPRC) Zone 

Council encourages public participation in Question Period by in-person attendance at the meeting, or by email or telephone inquiry prior to the meeting. or 604-820-3700

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