Council Chambers
8645 Stave Lake Street, Mission, BC

Re: Welcoming a member of the Oyama International Friendship Association Organizing Committee

Re: Importance of registering as an organ and tissue donor

A bylaw to rezone property at 33525 - 9th Avenue from Urban Residential 558 (R558) Zone to Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone

Copy of Notice to Owner/Occupant and previous staff report included as background information

A bylaw to rezone property at 32974 Bracken Avenue from Urban Residential 558 (R558) Zone to Urban Residential 558 Secondary Dwelling (R558s) Zone

Copy of Notice to Owner/Occupant and previous staff report included as background information

A bylaw to rezone property at 9070 Emiry Street from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone 

Copy of Notice to Owner/Occupant and previous staff report included as background information

A bylaw to rezone property at 31750 Bench Avenue from Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to Suburban 10 (S10) Zone and Suburban 20 (S20) Zone 

Copy of Notice to Owner/Occupant and previous staff report included as background information

A bylaw to rezone property at 33837 Ferndale Avenue from Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to Comprehensive Development 55 (CD55) Zone

Copy of Notice to Owner/Occupant and previous staff report included as background information


That policy HUM.03 Respectful Workplace be amended to place it within the purview of the Chief Administrative Officer.


That Freeman Award Policy AWA.2 be amended by:

  1. changing the name to “Freedom of the City Award Policy”;
  2. replacing the word “Freemen” in section 8 with the words “persons who have received a Freedom of the City award”; and
  3. replacing all instances of the word “District” with the word “City”.


  1. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended to add the purpose statement “To ensure that all flags at City Hall and other City owned or operated facilities are flown and displayed in a consistent and appropriate manner”;
  2. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended by deleting section 2(a) in its entirety and replacing it with ONE of the options described in the report as a new section 2(a);
  3. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended by adding a new section 2(b):

    Flags displayed at City facilities shall be displayed, in general, in accordance with the Government of Canada Flag Protocol, as amended from time to time. Flags should always be treated with dignity and displayed properly out of respect for what and who they represent”;

  4. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended by deleting sections 4(d)(x) and (xi) and replacing them with a new section(x) The current Mayor or a current Councillor, or a former Mayor or Councillor who has served as an elected official for at least two terms of office”; and
  5. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended by deleting section 4(d)(xiii) and replacing it with a new section “(xiii) In exceptional circumstances, and in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer, the Mayor may approve the half-masting of flags on occasions not provided for in this policy.”


That Council adopt the Strategic Plan 2022-26: Building Foundations as attached to the report dated March 20, 2023 from the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer.











  1. That draft bylaw 6132-2022-5949(85) to rezone 11511 and 11533 Wilson Street from Rural 16 Zone (RU16) to Rural Residential 7 Secondary Dwelling Zone (RR7s) be considered for first and second reading;
  2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second reading, a Public Hearing be scheduled on a date to be determined; 
  3. That one of the following options regarding tree replacement be selected:
    1. That as per LAN.32, replacement trees be planted at a ratio of 3:1 for the 717 significant trees removed, for a total replacement of 2,151 trees by replanting on site or providing financial compensation at a rate of $250/tree or a combination of the two methods; or
    2. That as per the recommendation of the arborist report, consider the new growth from natural tree regeneration be sufficient replacement for all trees removed; or
    3. That replacement trees be planted and/or financial compensation at a rate of $250/tree, and allow up to 50% of new growth from natural regeneration, provided that tree species are consistent with LAN.32, be considered towards the total amount of trees required for replacement; and
  4. That prior to the adoption of the Bylaw, the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
    1. Substantial completion of subdivision application S18-015;
    2. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve; and
    3. Any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw, including Public Hearing.


  1. That draft bylaw 6168-2023-5949(106) to rezone 8715 and 8733 Dewdney Trunk Road from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone, Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone, and Urban Compact 372 (UC372) Zone be considered for first and second reading;
  2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second reading, a Public Hearing be scheduled on a date to be determined; and
  3. That prior to the adoption of Zoning Amending Bylaw 6168-2023-5949(106), the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
    1. Substantial completion of subdivision application S22-022;
    2. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve;
    3. Completion of the Engineering requirements, as in Attachment B; and
    4. Completion of any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw, including Public Hearing.








Agenda continues on next page


  1. That draft bylaw 6169-2023-5949(107) to rezone the subject properties from Suburban 20 Zone (S20) to Urban Compact 465 Zone (UC465), Urban Compact 372 Zone (UC372), Urban Compact 372 Secondary Dwelling Zone (UC372s), Multi-unit Duplex 465 Zone (MD465), and Institutional Parks, Recreation and Civic Zone (IPRC) be considered for first and second reading;
  2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second reading, a Public Hearing be scheduled on a date to be determined;
  3. That prior to the adoption of Zoning Amending Bylaw 6169-2023-5949(107), the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
    1. Substantial completion of subdivision application S21-018;
    2. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve;
    3. Completion of the Engineering requirements, as in Attachment B; and
    4. Completion of any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw, including Public Hearing; and
  4. That the new roads MacDonald Avenue, Slack Street, and the Pinchbeck Avenue extension be named in conjunction with Development Application P2021-085, and that upon adoption of the Street Naming Bylaw 6170-2023, Street Naming Policy STR.28 be amended accordingly.


  1. That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6171-2023-5949(108) be granted first and second readings; and
  2. That a Public Hearing be scheduled for a date to be determined.


  1. That the draft Zoning Amending Bylaw 6173-2023-5949(110) to rezone:
    1. A portion of 33174 Tunbridge Avenue from Suburban 20 Zone (S20) to Urban Compact 372 Zone (UC372); and
    2. A portion of 33174 Tunbridge Avenue from Suburban 20 Zone (S20) to Institutional Parks Recreational and Civic Zone (IPRC)

      be considered for first and second readings;

  2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second readings, a Public Hearing be scheduled on a date to be determined;
  3. That prior to adoption of the Bylaw, the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
    1. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve as per Lan.40(c);
    2. A commitment to dedicate the Protected Natural Assets designated and Institutional Parks Recreational and Civic zoned land to the City as per Policy 8.3.6 and 8.3.7 of the Cedar Valley Local Area Plan;
    3. Substantial completion of subdivision application S21-011; and
    4. Completion of any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw including Public Hearing;
  4. That the Development Variance Permit DV22-032 to vary:
    1. Section 109.E.3.I to require lots 5-8 to increase the required on-site parking from two parking stalls to four parking stalls per single family home;
    2. Section 801.A.1(a) to allow lots 5 to 8 to be developed without a lane access and without detached garages;
    3. Section 801.D.1 to require lot 5 to increase the principal building rear setback from 7.5 m to 9.0 m;
    4. Section 801.D.1 to require lots 6-8 to increase the principal building front setback from 4.0 m to 11.0 m;
    5. Section 801.D.2 to require lots 6-8 to increase the front yard setback from 9.0 m to 11.0 m;
    6. Section 801.D.3 to require lots 6-8 to increase the setback for any attached garage to be 11.0 m;
    7. Section 801.D.5 to allow lot 8 to decrease the setback from undevelopable area to 1.5 m, to match the Stream Protection and Enhancement Area line;

      be approved.


That Council consider and approve the tree replacement planting strategy as described in the report form Central Valley Arborist Consulting, dated February 14, 2023.

A bylaw to rezone properties at 11511 and 11533 Wilson Street from Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to Rural Residential 7 Secondary Dwelling (RR7s) Zone 

See “Development Services” Section 8(a)

A bylaw to rezone portions of the properties located at 8715 and 8733 Dewdney Trunk Road from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone, Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone, and Urban Compact 372 (UC372) Zone

See “Development Services” Section 8(b)

A bylaw to rezone multiple properties on Tunbridge Avenue from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone, Urban Compact 372 (UC372) Zone, Urban Compact 372 Secondary Dwelling (UC372s) Zone, Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone, and Institutional Parks Recreation and Civic (IPRC) Zone

See “Development Services” Section 8(c)

A bylaw to amend Zoning Bylaw 5949-2020 by updating townhouse parking requirements

See “Development Services” Section 8(d)

A bylaw to rezone portions of the property located at 33174 Tunbridge Avenue from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Urban Compact 372 (UC372) Zone and Institutional Parks Recreation and Civic (IPRC) Zone

See “Development Services” Section 8(e)

A bylaw to rezone property at 33525 - 9th Avenue from Urban Residential 558 (R558) Zone to Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone 

See “Public Hearings” Section 5(b)

A bylaw to rezone property at 32974 Bracken Avenue from Urban Residential 558 (R558) Zone to Urban Residential 558 Secondary Dwelling (R558s) Zone

See “Public Hearings” Section 5(c)

A bylaw to rezone property at 9070 Emiry Street from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone 

See “Public Hearings” Section 5(d)

A bylaw to rezone property at 31750 Bench Avenue from Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to Suburban 10 (S10) Zone and Suburban 20 (S20) Zone 

See “Public Hearings” Section 5(e)

A bylaw to rezone property at 33837 Ferndale Avenue from Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to Comprehensive Development 55 (CD55) Zone

See “Public Hearings” Section 5(f)

A bylaw to establish the Financial Plan for the years 2023 to 2027

A bylaw to amend "City of Mission Solid Waste Management Bylaw 5526-2015 by increasing the minimum charge loads

Development Permit to supplement Zoning Bylaw 5949-2020, as amended, in respect to the above-noted property.

Development Permit to vary Development and Subdivision Control Bylaw 5650-2017, as amended, in respect to the above-noted property.

Council encourages public participation in Question Period by in-person attendance at the meeting, or by email or telephone inquiry prior to the meeting. or 604-820-3700

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