Council Chambers
8645 Stave Lake Street, Mission, BC
Council Present:
  • Mayor Paul Horn
  • Councillor Mark Davies
  • Councillor Angel Elias
  • Councillor Carol Hamilton
  • Councillor Ken Herar
  • Councillor Danny Plecas
Council Absent:
  • Councillor Jag Gill
Staff Present:
  • Mike Younie, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Barclay Pitkethly, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
  • Jennifer Russell, Corporate Officer
  • Heather Gherman, Manager of Human Resources
  • Robert Publow, Manager of Planning
  • Brendan Schneeberger, Planning Engineer
  • Doug Stewart, Director of Finance
  • Allyssa Fischer, Administrative Assistant

Mayor Horn called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

  • RC23-152
    Moved byCouncillor Elias
    Seconded byCouncillor Herar


    That the agenda for the Regular Council Meeting of March 20, 2023 be adopted.


Cory Cassel, a member of the Mission International Cultural Association (MICA), appeared before Council to introduce visitors from Mission’s Sister City, Oyama, Japan. He stated that he hoped the visit would open the door to restart cultural and social visits between the two Sister Cities. Mr. Cassel provided a brief history of MICA and the organization’s relationship with the Oyama International Friendship Association. He noted that MICA was hoping to plan a delegation to Oyama in 2024 and would update Council when plans were in place. The Mayor welcomed the delegates on behalf of Council and the City of Mission.

Hailey Cheema appeared before Council to raise awareness around organ and tissue donation. She provided an overview of the 2022 donation and transplant statistics and discussed her advocacy efforts to increase the number of people listed on the national organ donor registry. Ms. Cheema requested that April 7, 2023 be proclaimed as Green Shirt Day within the City of Mission.

  • RC23-153
    Moved byCouncillor Davies
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton


    That April 7, 2023 be proclaimed as "Green Shirt Day" within the City of Mission.

  • RC23-154
    Moved byCouncillor Herar
    Seconded byCouncillor Plecas


    That May 6, 2023 be proclaimed as "Ukrainian Cultural Festival Day" within the City of Mission.


The purpose of proposed Zoning Amending Bylaw 6155-2023-5949(97) is to rezone the property at 33525 - 9th Avenue from Urban Residential 558 (R558) Zone to Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone to allow a duplex. The subject property is legally described as:

Parcel Identifier:  002-254-786
Lot 9 District Lot 4 Group 3 New Westminster District Plan 14384

The Mayor opened the public hearing.

The Manager of Planning showed a PowerPoint presentation that provided the following information:

  1. Purpose and outline of the proposal.
  2. Subject property map.
  3. Conceptual site plan provided by applicant.

The Corporate Officer stated that one written submission had been received, expressing various concerns regarding off-street motor vehicle parking regulations, lot coverage for the MD465 Zone, building height and character, and the plans for an unutlized road dedication to the east of the property. A deferral of third reading was requested until further information could be provided regarding the proposal and the adjacent unutilized road dedication. 

The Mayor opened the floor to the public for questions and comments.

Pascale-Sara Frenette, representative of the Dunsmuir Neighbourhood Association, questioned various details regarding the proposed development, including:

  • if secondary suites would be permitted;
  • the proposed height of the building;
  • if rooftop decks or patios would be permitted;
  • the number of bedrooms permitted per dwelling unit; and
  • the number of off-street parking spaces to be provided.

In response to Ms. Frenette’s questions, the Manager of Planning stated that:

  • secondary suites would not be permitted;
  • the maximum building height allowed under the proposed zoning was 9.5 meters;
  • rooftop decks would be permitted as long as the proposal complied with the maximum allowable building height;
  • the Zoning Bylaw did not dictate the number of bedrooms per unit; and
  • two off-street parking spaces would be required per dwelling unit.

He stated that the developer had not requested any variances and that the proposal met all height and setback allowances.

Ms. Frenette expressed concern that the proposal did not match the character of the existing neighbourhood. She asked for clarification regarding proposed plans for the undeveloped area to the east of the proposal.

The Manager of Planning stated that no change was proposed to the unutilized road dedication to the east of the property as part of the development proposal.

Hearing no further questions or comments, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing for City of Mission Zoning Amending Bylaw 6155-2023-5949(97) closed.

The purpose of proposed Zoning Amending Bylaw 6156-2023-5949(98) is to rezone the property at 32974 Bracken Avenue from the Urban Residential 558 (R558) Zone to the Urban Residential 558 Secondary Dwelling (R558s) Zone to allow a secondary dwelling unit. The subject property is legally described as:

Parcel Identifier:  008-691-304 
Lot 141 Section 28 Township 17 New Westminster District Plan 39912 

The Mayor opened the public hearing.

The Manager of Planning showed a PowerPoint presentation that provided the following information:

  1. Purpose and outline of the proposal.
  2. Subject property map.
  3. Proposed floor plan for the secondary suite.

The Corporate Officer stated that no written submissions pertaining to the subject application had been received.

The Mayor opened the floor to the public for questions and comments.

Hearing no questions or comments, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing for City of Mission Zoning Amending Bylaw 6156-2023-5949(98) closed.

The purpose of proposed Zoning Amending Bylaw 6158-2023-5949(99) is to rezone the property at 9070 Emiry Street from the Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to the Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone to allow for a subsequent subdivision into three lots. The subject property is legally described as:

Parcel Identifier:  009-737-537
Lot A, Section 32, Township 17, New Westminster District Plan 12748

The Mayor opened the public hearing.

The Manager of Planning showed a PowerPoint presentation that provided the following information:

  1. Purpose and outline of the proposal.
  2. Subject property map.
  3. Conceptual plan of the proposed subdivision.

The Corporate Officer stated that no written submissions pertaining to the subject application had been received.

The Mayor opened the floor to the public for questions and comments.

Hearing no questions or comments, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing for City of Mission Zoning Amending Bylaw 6158-2023-5949(99) closed.

The purpose of proposed Zoning Amending Bylaw 6160-2023-5949(100) is to rezone the property at 31750 Bench Avenue from the Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to the Suburban 10 (S10) Zone and Suburban (S20) Zone to allow a 13-lot strata subdivision. The subject property is legally described as:

Parcel Identifier:  002-371-944
Lot 3 Section 30 Township 17 New Westminster District Plan 20599

The Mayor opened the public hearing.

The Manager of Planning showed a PowerPoint presentation that provided the following information:

  1. Purpose and outline of the proposal.
  2. Map of the proposed strata lots.

The Corporate Officer stated that one written submission had been received in opposition to the subject application, expressing concern regarding the proposed higher density and the proposal not meeting the character of the existing neighbourhood.

The Mayor opened the floor to the public for questions and comments.

Terry Fabretti, Mission, expressed concern regarding tree removal and clear cutting. He asked how the City planned to ensure responsible development in the absence of any bylaws regulating land clearing.

In response to Mr. Fabretti’s questions, the Manager of Planning stated that as per the City’s Tree Retention/Replanting Policy LAN.32, each lot required the replanting of a minimum of two trees post development and that trees outside the building envelope would be retained. Any trees removed outside the building envelope would need to be replaced at a ratio of 3:1. The Mayor stated that the report from the arborist noted that 10 trees would be retained, while 17 trees would be removed.

Mr. Fabretti asked for clarification regarding the Public Hearing notification process.

The Manager of Planning described the City’s Public Hearing notification process and noted that the developer had also reached out to local residents.

Hearing no further questions or comments, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing for City of Mission Zoning Amending Bylaw 6160-2023-5949(100) closed.

The purpose of proposed Zoning Amending Bylaw 6163-2023-5949(103) is to rezone the property at 33837 Ferndale Avenue from the Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to the Comprehensive Development 55 (CD55) Zone to allow a clustered 10-lot bare land strata subdivision. The subject property is legally described as:

Parcel Identifier:  000-438-235
Lot 27 North West Quarter Section 34 Township 17 New Westminster District Plan 29305

The Mayor opened the public hearing.

The Manager of Planning showed a PowerPoint presentation that provided the following information:

  1. Purpose and outline of the proposal.
  2. Subject property map.
  3. Description of environmental protection efforts that would be undertaken if the proposal is given approval.
  4. Draft plan of the subdivision.
  5. Table of proposed lots and developable lot area.

The Corporate Officer stated that one written submission has been received expressing concern regarding the environmentally sensitive area being disturbed, clear cutting and tree replacement, and invasive plant species.

The Mayor opened the floor to the public for questions and comments.

H.S. Kenny Braich, Mission, stated his support for the proposal and noted that he would be in favour of higher density development in the area. He questioned why higher density was not permitted in the Ferndale area.

In response to Mr. Braich’s questions, the Manager of Planning stated that the Official Community Plan designation for the property was Rural Residential, which permitted a minimum lot size of 0.7 hectares. He described the concept of cluster residential development and noted that the overall net density of the proposal supported the City’s Official Community Plan targets for the designation while allowing the developer to protect and preserve the environmentally sensitive area in the northern half of the property.

Mr. Braich asked if the municipality had any plans to permit subdivision into half acre lots in the Ferndale area.

The Mayor stated that the City would be undertaking a review of the Official Community Plan within the next year, which would include planning for the Ferndale area.

Douglas Pankratz, Mission, expressed concern that residents in the area had previously been told that half acre lots would not be permitted in the area. He further expressed concern that the proposal did not match the character of the existing neighbourhood and that development was happening in a piecemeal approach with no overarching plan for the neighbourhood.

Pat McGurk, Mission, stated that he echoed the concerns of previous speakers regarding the proposed densification and described the need for a neighbourhood plan in the area. He noted his opposition to the proposal, stating that the proposed strata development and strata road would prevent future development of his property and create difficulties in accessing his parcel. He stated his opposition to the 7.5 metre setbacks proposed and noted that he would like to see a larger setback on the proposed strata road. He asked for clarification regarding the City’s future plans to allow the subdivision to half acre parcels in the Ferndale Area.

The Mayor stated that there was no intention to allow half acre lots in the area in the foreseeable future and that if there was a change in the Official Community Plan designation, any landowner may bring forward an application.

James Abraham, Mission, stated that other owners in the area had not been given the same option to subdivide their properties and that this proposal seemed unfair. He expressed concern that the subdivision was premature given the absence of a neighbourhood plan for the area.

The Mayor described the City’s application and subdivision approval process.

Dylan Anderson, agent for the applicant, answered the questions of previous speakers and the written correspondence received in advance of the Public Hearing. He noted that:

  • the applicant had retained a biologist and had an eradication plan in place for the Japanese knotweed and blackberry bushes identified on the property;
  • the land on the northern half of the property would not be developed. He stated that the lands would be protected with fencing and would include signage indicating that the area was environmentally sensitive and was not to be disturbed;
  • the development would include ample buffering and screening between the new homes and existing homes on neighbouring parcels; and
  • the proposed strata road was wider than municipal requirements and could not be widened any further without causing a loss in lot yield.

Louise Rempel, Mission, questioned various details about the proposed development, including the location of the proposed strata road and its proximity to her parcel to the east, the maximum dwelling size that would be permitted, if secondary suites would be permitted, and if any form and character restrictions would be imposed.

In response to Ms. Rempel’s questions, the Manager of Planning stated that there was no maximum dwelling size, but that the building footprint could only cover 20% of the lot. He noted that there were no form and character obligations imposed on areas outside of the urban growth boundary as per the Local Government Act.

Ms. Rempel expressed concern that the proposal would change the character of the neighbourhood and negatively impact her rural lifestyle with multiple new homes sharing her property line.

Hearing no further questions or comments, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing for City of Mission Zoning Amending Bylaw 6163-2023-5949(103) closed.

  • RC23-155
    Moved byCouncillor Davies
    Seconded byCouncillor Elias


    That Council now resolve itself into Committee of the Whole.


A report from the Director of Human Resources dated March 20, 2023, seeking approval to move policy HUM.03 Respectful Workplace from a Council policy to an Administrative policy, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

  • RC23-156
    Moved byCouncillor Plecas


    That policy HUM.03 Respectful Workplace be amended to place it within the purview of the Chief Administrative Officer.


A report from the Corporate Officer dated March 20, 2023, regarding proposed amendments to the Freeman Award Policy AWA.2, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

  • RC23-157
    Moved byCouncillor Davies


    That Freeman Award Policy AWA.2 be amended by:

    1. changing the name to “Freedom of the City Award Policy”;
    2. replacing the word “Freemen” in section 8 with the words “persons who have received a Freedom of the City award”; and
    3. replacing all instances of the word “District” with the word “City”.

A report from the Corporate Officer dated March 20, 2023, regarding proposed amendments to Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.06, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

  • RC23-158
    Moved byMayor Horn


    1. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended to add the purpose statement “To ensure that all flags at City Hall and other City owned or operated facilities are flown and displayed in a consistent and appropriate manner”;
    2. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended by adding a new section 2(b):

      Flags displayed at City facilities shall be displayed, in general, in accordance with the Government of Canada Flag Protocol, as amended from time to time. Flags should always be treated with dignity and displayed properly out of respect for what and who they represent”;

    3. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended by deleting sections 4(d)(x) and (xi) and replacing them with a new section(x) The current Mayor or a current Councillor, or a former Mayor or Councillor”; and
    4. That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended by deleting section 4(d)(xiii) and replacing it with a new section “(xiii) In exceptional circumstances, and in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer, the Mayor may approve the half-masting of flags on occasions not provided for in this policy.”
  • RC23-159
    Moved byMayor Horn


    That Flag Etiquette Policy ORG.6 be amended by deleting section 2(a) in its entirety and replacing it with:

    “Only the National Flag of Canada, the Provincial Flag of British Columbia, and the City of Mission Flag are raised at City facilities. During Veterans’ Week, the City of Mission Flag shall be replaced with the Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Flag.”

    OPPOSED (1)Councillor Herar
    CARRIED (5 to 1)

A report from the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer dated March 20, 2023, seeking approval of the 2022 to 2026 Strategic Plan, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

  • RC23-160
    Moved byCouncillor Elias


    That Council adopt the Strategic Plan 2022-26: Building Foundations as attached to the report dated March 20, 2023 from the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer.


A report from the Planner I dated March 20, 2023, regarding a development application for the properties located at 11511 and 11533 Wilson Street, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

Discussion ensued, and the Manager of Planning answered the Committee’s questions regarding geotechnical concerns and tree replacement. He stated that the City’s tree retention/replanting plan was laid out in LAN.32 and that there was typically a review at one year to ensure the replacement trees were still alive. He noted that if a tree died within the first year, a replacement tree would be required.

Staff were directed to provide further details regarding funds held by the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department for tree plantings in the community at the Public Hearing presentation for the application.

  • RC23-161
    Moved byCouncillor Elias
    1. That draft bylaw 6132-2022-5949(85) to rezone 11511 and 11533 Wilson Street from Rural 16 Zone (RU16) to Rural Residential 7 Secondary Dwelling Zone (RR7s) be considered for first and second reading;
    2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second reading, a Public Hearing be scheduled on a date to be determined; 
    3. That as per LAN.32, replacement trees be planted at a ratio of 3:1 for the 717 significant trees removed, for a total replacement of 2,151 trees by replanting on site or providing financial compensation at a rate of $250/tree or a combination of the two methods
    4. That prior to the adoption of the Bylaw, the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
      1. Substantial completion of subdivision application S18-015;
      2. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve; and
      3. Any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw, including Public Hearing.

A report from the Planner I dated March 20, 2023, regarding a development application for the property located at 8715 and 8733 Dewdney Trunk Road, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

The Manager of Planning stated that, as adjacent development projects, the Public Hearings for Zoning Amending Bylaw 6168-2023-5949(106), Zoning Amending Bylaw 6169-2023-5949(107), and Zoning Amending Bylaw 6171-2023-5949(108) would be held on the same evening and notification for the three applications would coordinated.

Discussion ensued, and the Committee requested that the following additional information be included in the Public Hearing presentation for all three related applications:

  • the road layout and cross sections of Tunbridge Avenue, Dewdney Trunk Road, and Cade Barr Street;
  • location of any traffic lights and dedicated turning lanes;
  • elevations of the proposed duplexes;
  • the parking configuration throughout the development;
  • details regarding plans for the park lands to the south of the proposed development; and
  • any additional amenities the developer is willing to contribute towards the park.
  • RC23-162
    Moved byCouncillor Elias


    1. That draft bylaw 6168-2023-5949(106) to rezone 8715 and 8733 Dewdney Trunk Road from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone, Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone, and Urban Compact 372 (UC372) Zone be considered for first and second reading;
    2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second reading, a Public Hearing be scheduled on a date to be determined; and
    3. That prior to the adoption of Zoning Amending Bylaw 6168-2023-5949(106), the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
      1. Substantial completion of subdivision application S22-022;
      2. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve;
      3. Completion of the Engineering requirements, as in Attachment B; and
      4. Completion of any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw, including Public Hearing.

A report from the Planner I dated March 20, 2023, regarding a development application for eight properties on Tunbridge Avenue, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

  • RC23-163
    Moved byCouncillor Plecas


    1. That draft bylaw 6169-2023-5949(107) to rezone the subject properties from Suburban 20 Zone (S20) to Urban Compact 465 Zone (UC465), Urban Compact 372 Zone (UC372), Urban Compact 372 Secondary Dwelling Zone (UC372s), Multi-unit Duplex 465 Zone (MD465), and Institutional Parks, Recreation and Civic Zone (IPRC) be considered for first and second reading;
    2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second reading, a Public Hearing be scheduled on a date to be determined;
    3. That prior to the adoption of Zoning Amending Bylaw 6169-2023-5949(107), the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
      1. Substantial completion of subdivision application S21-018;
      2. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve;
      3. Completion of the Engineering requirements, as in Attachment B; and
      4. Completion of any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw, including Public Hearing; and
    4. That the new roads MacDonald Avenue, Slack Street, and the Pinchbeck Avenue extension be named in conjunction with Development Application P2021-085, and that upon adoption of the Street Naming Bylaw 6170-2023, Street Naming Policy STR.28 be amended accordingly.

A report from the Planning Technician dated March 20, 2023, regarding proposed amendments to Zoning Bylaw 5949-2020 to update the townhouse parking regulations, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

Discussion ensued, and staff answered the Committee’s questions regarding the proposed parking standards. Staff were directed to include various scenarios of tandem parking arrangements in the Public Hearing presentation.  

  • RC23-164
    Moved byCouncillor Elias


    1. That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6171-2023-5949(108) be granted first and second readings; and
    2. That a Public Hearing be scheduled for a date to be determined.

A report from the Planner I dated March 20, 2023, regarding a development application for the property located at 33174 Tunbridge Avenue, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

  • RC23-165
    Moved byCouncillor Plecas


    1. That the draft Zoning Amending Bylaw 6173-2023-5949(110) to rezone:
      1. A portion of 33174 Tunbridge Avenue from Suburban 20 Zone (S20) to Urban Compact 372 Zone (UC372); and
      2. A portion of 33174 Tunbridge Avenue from Suburban 20 Zone (S20) to Institutional Parks Recreational and Civic Zone (IPRC)

        be considered for first and second readings;

    2. That, subject to the Bylaw receiving first and second readings, a Public Hearing be scheduled on a date to be determined;
    3. That prior to adoption of the Bylaw, the following conditions be met to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services:
      1. Collection of any volunteered contributions to the City’s community amenity reserve as per Lan.40(c);
      2. A commitment to dedicate the Protected Natural Assets designated and Institutional Parks Recreational and Civic zoned land to the City as per Policy 8.3.6 and 8.3.7 of the Cedar Valley Local Area Plan;
      3. Substantial completion of subdivision application S21-011; and
      4. Completion of any other requirements resulting from Council’s consideration of the Bylaw including Public Hearing;
    4. That the Development Variance Permit DV22-032 to vary:
      1. Section 109.E.3.I to require lots 5-8 to increase the required on-site parking from two parking stalls to four parking stalls per single family home;
      2. Section 801.A.1(a) to allow lots 5 to 8 to be developed without a lane access and without detached garages;
      3. Section 801.D.1 to require lot 5 to increase the principal building rear setback from 7.5 m to 9.0 m;
      4. Section 801.D.1 to require lots 6-8 to increase the principal building front setback from 4.0 m to 11.0 m;
      5. Section 801.D.2 to require lots 6-8 to increase the front yard setback from 9.0 m to 11.0 m;
      6. Section 801.D.3 to require lots 6-8 to increase the setback for any attached garage to be 11.0 m;
      7. Section 801.D.5 to allow lot 8 to decrease the setback from undevelopable area to 1.5 m, to match the Stream Protection and Enhancement Area line;

        be considered.


A report from the Planner I dated March 20, 2023, regarding a tree replanting plan for the property located at 12631 Bell Street, was provided for the Committee’s consideration.

  • RC23-166
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton


    That the tree replacement planting strategy from Central Valley Arborist Consulting Ltd, appended as Attachment A to the report from the Planner dated March 20, 2023, be approved.

  • RC23-167
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton


    That the Committee of the Whole now rise and report.

  • RC23-168
    Moved byCouncillor Elias
    Seconded byCouncillor Davies


    That the recommendations of the March 20, 2023 Committee of the Whole, as contained in items RC22-156 to RC22-166 (except item RC22-159) be adopted.

  • RC23-169
    Moved byCouncillor Plecas
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton


    That the recommendation of the March 20, 2023 Committee of the Whole, as contained in item RC23-159 be adopted.

    OPPOSED (1)Councillor Herar
    CARRIED (5 to 1)
  • RC23-171
    Moved byCouncillor Davies
    Seconded byCouncillor Herar


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6132-2022-5949(85), a bylaw to rezone properties at 11511 and 11533 Wilson Street from Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to Rural Residential 7 Secondary Dwelling (RR7s) Zone, be read a first and second time.

  • RC23-172
    Moved byCouncillor Plecas
    Seconded byCouncillor Elias


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6168-2023-5949(106), a bylaw to rezone portions of the properties located at 8715 and 8733 Dewdney Trunk Road from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone, Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone, and Urban Compact 372 (UC372) Zone, be read a first and second time.

  • RC23-173
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Davies


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6169-2023-5949(107), a bylaw to rezone multiple properties on Tunbridge Avenue from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone, Urban Compact 372 (UC372) Zone, Urban Compact 372 Secondary Dwelling (UC372s) Zone, Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone, and Institutional Parks Recreation and Civic (IPRC) Zone, be read a first and second time.

  • RC23-174
    Moved byCouncillor Davies
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton


    A bylaw to name two new streets and a street extension within the City of Mission, be read a first and second time.

  • RC23-175
    Moved byCouncillor Elias
    Seconded byCouncillor Plecas


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6171-2023-5949(108), a bylaw to amend Zoning Bylaw 5949-2020 by updating townhouse parking requirements, be read a first and second time.

  • RC23-176
    Moved byCouncillor Herar
    Seconded byCouncillor Hamilton


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6173-2023-5949(110), a bylaw to rezone portions of the property located at 33174 Tunbridge Avenue from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Urban Compact 372 (UC372) Zone and Institutional Parks Recreation and Civic (IPRC) Zone, be read a first and second time.

  • RC23-177
    Moved byMayor Horn
    Seconded byCouncillor Plecas


    1. That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6155-2023-5949(97), a bylaw to rezone property at 33525 - 9th Avenue from Urban Residential 558 (R558) Zone to Multi-unit Duplex 465 (MD465) Zone, be read a third time; and
    2. That prior to the adoption of Zoning Amending Bylaw 6155-2023-5949(97), the form and character design of the development must conform to the existing neighbourhood, as determined by the Director of Development Services.
  • RC23-178
    Moved byCouncillor Plecas
    Seconded byCouncillor Davies


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6156-2023-5949(98), a bylaw to rezone property at 32974 Bracken Avenue from Urban Residential 558 (R558) Zone to Urban Residential 558 Secondary Dwelling (R558s) Zone, be read a third time.

  • RC23-179
    Moved byCouncillor Davies
    Seconded byCouncillor Plecas


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6158-2023-5949(99), a bylaw to rezone property at 9070 Emiry Street from Suburban 20 (S20) Zone to Urban Compact 465 (UC465) Zone, be read a third time.

  • RC23-180
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Elias


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6160-2023-5949(100), a bylaw to rezone property at 31750 Bench Avenue from Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to Suburban 10 (S10) Zone and Suburban 20 (S20) Zone, be read a third time.


Members of Council provided rationale for their decisions.

  • RC23-181
    Moved byCouncillor Elias
    Seconded byCouncillor Davies


    That Zoning Amending Bylaw 6163-2023-5949(103), a bylaw to rezone property at 33837 Ferndale Avenue from Rural 16 (RU16) Zone to Comprehensive Development 55 (CD55) Zone, be read a third time.

    OPPOSED (1)Councillor Plecas
    CARRIED (5 to 1)
  • RC23-182
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Davies


    That 2023 to 2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 6159-2023, a bylaw to establish the Financial Plan for the years 2023 to 2027, be adopted.

  • RC23-183
    Moved byCouncillor Elias
    Seconded byCouncillor Davies


    That Solid Waste Management Amending Bylaw 6166-2023-5526(9), a bylaw to amend "City of Mission Solid Waste Management Bylaw 5526-2015 by increasing the minimum charge loads, be adopted.


Councillor Elias declared a conflict of interest due to a business relationship with the applicant in her role as the Executive Director of the Mission Hospice Society and exited Council Chambers at 8:29 p.m.

  • RC23-184
    Moved byCouncillor Davies
    Seconded byCouncillor Plecas


    That Development Permit DP19-176 for the property at 7513 Hurd Street, be approved.

  • RC23-185
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Davies


    That Development Variance Permit DV20-013 for the property at 7513 Hurd Street, be approved.


    Councillor Elias returned to the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Council provided updates on recent events, committee and association meetings.

There were no notices of motion.

A member of the public asked various questions about the development application processes around environmental protection, including prevention of clear cutting, slope erosion control, and the reporting process for qualified environmental professionals.

  • RC23-186
    Moved byCouncillor Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Elias


    That the meeting be adjourned.


    The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.

No Item Selected